A Fintech (Online Banking) for Everyone

Banking God’s Purpose

We are visualizing a global financial ecosystem and community that honors God’s wealth and inspires change in our world.

a FINTECH (Online banking) for everyone

ProLifeFintech will be a full-service financial institution available in all 50 states and eventually around the globe.
We are securing and investing in an independent technology platform for our fintech that gives our customers all the features they use today in online banking and apps.
We’re working to ensure that everyone has our fintech platform (online banking) that will honor God first, serve the people who use our fintech platform, and always choose to support life…All life.

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Global Reach

what god is doing around the world

Future Customers
Every day we receive messages from future customers wanting to join.
Our reach was intended for America, but God has a global plan in mind.
Message and emails of support, encouragement, and interest daily.

“Greetings from beautiful Nassau, Bahamas! I'm excited about this venture and know that our God will provide. Blessings!” 

The Bahamas

“With Christian friends we would like to see such a thing in France to see the light of day.”


“Will it be possible to access and utilize your banking services from overseas?  We are missionaries in Japan but have banking needs in the U.S.”


“I live in Germany and I would like to know if people from other countries can also get an account?”


“Together we will overcome.”

South Africa

“We want this over here as well. May God lead you...Greetings from Brazil.”

